Computer Repair Shop Software v2.16.19083.1 (ENG) Software
di tracciamento, inventario, POS e CRS di riparazione per negozi di
computer e tecnologie IT. Benvenuti nel più completo e rivoluzionario
software di riparazione disponibile. Non importa se si sta appena
iniziando come esercito di un solo uomo o come officina di computer /
mobile e cellulare completamente consolidata. Migliora la tua efficienza
di riparazione che migliorerà le tue entrate essendo più organizzata.
Aggiornamenti rapidi dei ticket con messaggi predefiniti
Meno digitando utilizzando i messaggi predefiniti incorporati per accelerare la creazione di fatture e report.
Completamente in vetrina
Monitoraggio delle riparazioni, punto di vendita, inventario, fatturazione, rapporti e altro ancora
Integrazione con Google Calendar, Kashflow Accounting, Livedrive e altri per accelerare i flussi di lavoro aziendali
Email per gli aggiornamenti dei biglietti
Invia una mail da qualsiasi luogo e i tuoi biglietti sono aggiornati con le tue note di riparazione
Possiedi i tuoi dati!
Utilizza il tuo database SQL Server in locale in modo da poter
creare i tuoi report dei clienti, esportare i tuoi dati ogni volta che
Numerosi report integrati da mappe degli indirizzi dei clienti,
report finanziari, quali sono i tuoi migliori clienti e molto altro!
Monitoraggio delle riparazioni
- Traccia i biglietti, le risorse e i numeri di serie dalla singola interfaccia.
- Accedi rapidamente a biglietti vecchi e nuovi. Colore codificato per identificare i biglietti più vecchi.
- Filtra la ricerca per parole chiave, nomi dei clienti, informazioni sul lavoro.
Email e SMS automatici
CRS invia aggiornamenti automatici di stato tramite e-mail e SMS, garantendo che i tuoi clienti siano sempre informati.
Panoramica completa
- Dalla schermata principale puoi vedere quanti lavori hai prenotato, in attesa di pagamento, appuntamenti e statistiche.
- Stampa rapidamente etichette per qualsiasi biglietto senza aprire il biglietto.
- Accesso rapido al punto di vendita e a tutti i moduli CRS.
Integrazioni con Google, Skype e altro ...
CRS si integra con Google Calendar, Google Maps, Livedrive, Skype, Kashflow Accounting Package e altro ...
Editor di modelli integrato
Incredibilmente semplice utilizzare l'editor di modelli incorporato
per personalizzare completamente l'aspetto delle e-mail dei clienti e
delle ricevute stampate, delle fatture, ecc.
Perché scegliere Computer Repair Shop Software (CRS)
• I tuoi dati sono i TUOI dati! I dati dei tuoi clienti privati si
trovano sul tuo computer e ti danno il pieno controllo su come usi i
tuoi dati!
• Database ospitato sulla tua rete - funziona ancora anche quando la tua rete non lo è!
• CRS FREE Edition per start-up e nuovi proprietari di negozi di
computer che desiderano iniziare a utilizzare software di tracciamento e
di riparazione dei PC professionale ed efficiente in termini di tempo
fin dall'inizio! Utilizzando CRS ti assicurerai di ottimizzare il tuo
tempo, rimanere organizzato e avere successo.
• Abbonamenti mensili accessibili progettati per negozi e titolari
di aziende affermate che utilizzano CRS come spina dorsale della loro
• Il CRS è specifico per i riparatori ei tecnici dei computer,
indipendentemente dal fatto che tu abbia un'attività di riparazione e
riparazione di computer o lavori da casa da solo.
• Pacchetto di monitoraggio del processo, punto di vendita,
inventario, ordinazione e tracciamento delle parti, sistema di
quotazione e fatturazione all-in-one facile da usare.
Sappiamo quello che vuoi come possediamo e gestiamo la nostra catena di
negozi in cui CRS è la spina dorsale del nostro business di successo!
• Ridurre al minimo errori ed errori, accelerare la procedura di
check-in di riparazione. CRS è progettato per semplicità e velocità:
questo è ciò che richiedono tutte le aziende di successo!
• Tracciamento completo del biglietto dal giorno in cui il computer è
stato registrato al giorno in cui esce dal tuo laboratorio!
• Base utenti World Wide. CRS funziona in tutti i paesi.
• Nuove funzionalità guidate da te! Vuoi una nuova funzione, basta chiedere!
• Il sistema CRM integrato consente di acquisire importanti dati dei
clienti. Perfetto per il re-marketing: qualcosa che tutti gli
imprenditori di successo hanno BISOGNO DI FARE ogni giorno!
• Facile esportazione di e-mail e nomi dei clienti nei tuoi fogli di calcolo, mailchimp, gestore di annunci di Facebook, ecc.
• Email, SMS e chiama i tuoi clienti usando skype o VOIP
direttamente da CRS. Tutte le comunicazioni vengono registrate per il
successivo recupero.
• Importa i tuoi clienti esistenti da sistemi come CommitCRM, Excel, Repairshopr, Quickbook e altro.
Punto vendita
• Terminale POS integrato e facile da usare con accesso diretto al database di ticketing CRS.
• Integrazione completa di scanner di codici a barre, stampanti termiche, cassa, ecc. Per un sistema POS professionale.
• Semplice e facile da usare
• Segnalazione di fine giornata
Monitoraggio delle riparazioni
• Tieni traccia di ogni riparazione, dal momento in cui viene controllata in CRS nel momento in cui lascia il tuo negozio.
• I clienti ricevono aggiornamenti automatici via email / sms sul loro processo di riparazione.
Modelli personalizzabili
• Ricevute di assegno, fatture, rapporti di servizio, le offerte
sono tutte basate su modelli completamente personalizzabili utilizzando
semplici modelli html forniti. Incorpora ## TAGS ## nei report per
visualizzare automaticamente i dati dal ticket. CRS è praticamente
pronto per funzionare subito con poche impostazioni necessarie.
Monitoraggio delle parti
• Tracciamento facile delle parti per le riparazioni dei clienti.
• Sapere quando le parti devono essere ordinate, ordinate e restituite ai fornitori. Tracciamento completo.
• Vedere l'elenco di tutte le parti che devono essere ordinate per le riparazioni
Tracking, Inventory, POS and CRS Software for Computer Shops and IT
Techs. Welcome to the most fully featured and revolutionary Repair Shop
software available. No matter if you are just starting up as a one man
army or as fully established computer / mobile & cell phone repair
shop. Improve your repair efficiency which will improve your revenue by
being more organised.
Quick Ticket Updates with Canned Messages
Less typing using the built-in canned messages to speed up creating invoices and reports.
Fully Featured
Repair Tracking, Point of Sale, Inventory, Repeat Billing, Reports and more
Integration to Google Calendar, Kashflow Accounting, Livedrive and more to speed up your business work flows
Email to Ticket Updates
Send an email from anywhere and your tickets are updated with your repair notes
YOU own your data!
Use your own SQL Server Database on-premises so you can create your
own customer reports, export your own data whenever you want!
Lots of reports built-in from customer address maps, financial reports, who are your best customers and more!
Repair Tracking
- Track tickets, assets and serial numbers from single interface.
- Quickly access new and old tickets. Colour coded to identify older tickets.
- Filter search by keywords, Customer names, job information.
Automatic Emails and SMS
CRS sends out automatic status updates by email and SMS ensuring your customers are always kept informed.
Complete Overview
- From the main screen you can see how many jobs you have booked in, awaiting payment, appointments and stats.
- Quickly print labels for any ticket without opening the ticket.
- Quick access to Point Of Sale and all CRS modules.
Integrations with Google, Skype and more...
CRS integrates with Google Calendar, Google Maps, Livedrive, Skype, Kashflow Accounting Package and more...
Built-In Template Editor
Amazingly simply to use built-in template editor to fully customise
the look of your customer emails and printed receipts, invoices etc.
Why Choose Computer Repair Shop Software (CRS)
• Your data is YOUR data! Your private customer data is located on
your own computer giving you full control over how you use your own
• Database hosted on your own network - still works even when your internet is not!
• CRS FREE Edition for start-ups and new computer shop owners who
want to start using professional and time efficient PC repair tracking
and ticketing software from the beginning! Using CRS will ensure you are
optimising your time, stay organised and be successful.
• Affordable monthly Subscriptions designed for established shops
and business owners using CRS as the backbone of their business!
• CRS is specific to computer repair shops and technicians no matter
if you have a computer repair business and repair shops or work from
home on your own.
• Job Tracking, Point Of Sale, Inventory, Part Ordering and
Tracking, Quoting and Invoicing System All-In-One easy to use package.
• DESIGNED BY COMPUTER SHOP CHAIN OWNER! We know what you want as we
own and run our own chain of shops where CRS is the backbone of our
successful business!
• Minimise errors and mistakes, Speed up your repair check-in
process. CRS is designed for simplicity and speed - this is just what
all successful businesses require!
• Full ticket tracking from the day the computer is checked in to the day it leaves your workshop!
• World Wide User base. CRS works in all countries.
• New features driven by you! Want a new feature, just ask!
Customer Accounts
• Built In CRM system ensure you capture important customer data.
Perfect for re-marketing - something all successfull business owners
NEED TO DO every day!
• Easy to Export Customer emails and names into your own spreadsheets, mailchimp, Facebook advert manager etc.
• Email, SMS and call your customers using skype or VOIP directly from CRS. All communications are logged to later retrieval.
• Import your existing customers from systems such as CommitCRM, excel, repairshopr, quickbooks and more.
Point Of Sale
• Easy to Use, Integrated POS terminal with direct access to the CRS ticketing database.
• Full integration of barcode scanners, thermal printers, cash tills etc for a professional POS system.
• Simple and Easy to use
• End of Day Reporting
Repair Tracking
• Track every repair, from the moment it is checked into CRS to the moment it leaves your shop.
• Customers receive automatic updates by email / sms on their repair process.
Customisable Templates
• Check In Receipts, Invoices, Service reports, Quotes are all based
on fully customisable templates using simple html templates provided.
Embed ##TAGS## into the reports to display data from the ticket
automatically. CRS is virtually ready to work right away with little
setup required.
Parts Tracking
• Easy part tracking for customer repairs.
• Know when parts need to be ordered, on order and returned to suppliers. Full tracking.
• See list of all parts that need to be ordered for repairs - fast
and easy. When parts arrive, allocate the part to the customer repair in
Asks all the relevant questions - no mistakes and missing information - EVER AGAIN!
• When a repair is being booked in it is easy to forget to ask your
customer about data backup or the user's password. This won't happen
with CRS! You are prompted to ask for specific information like this
(and more).
• Never forget to log additional items such as Laptop Power Adapters
or Installation CDs etc, this is all tracked and each item gets it own
dedicated label to automatically link it to the job - your customer
leaves happy that you know what you are doing and their items will never
get lost!
• Everything is automated!
• Time is Money.... so less time typing means more time to make money!
Hardware and Software Tests
• Hardware tests - quickly include which tests passed and failed.
This information is printed into a report at a click of a button! Takes
just a few seconds to create a comprehensive hardware testing report
• Software Tests - Within seconds, you can create a comprehensive
report of EVERTHING you have done to service your customer's computer.
They will love the fact you gave them a personalised report of all your
work over several pages - They will think you spent hours typing it up!
When in fact it took a few seconds!
Canned Responses
• Save time typing the same information over and over with our
canned responses facility. Throughout CRS, in areas that would normally
require lots of typing (such as work report, invoice notes, service
notes, hardware and software tests etc) you can use Canned Messages that
are designed to quickly add your information into the ticket in a click
of a button. Your customers will think you spent hours writing their
report when it was just a few clicks!
Asset Management
• Track your customers hardware configurations, Operating System
type and license keys, serial numbers, warranty information (purchase
date, purchased from, sale date etc). This is perfect for keeping
detailed machine specification or ideal if you sell computers for
warranty tracking.
Invoices and Quotes
• Generate, email and print invoices and quotes directly from the repair ticket.
Inventory Management
• CRS manages your stock from an easy to use interface.
• Your inventory can be used in repair tickets for invoicing parts,
labour and services and will be used in the Point Of Sale application.
• Allocate stock from shop floor, store rooms and any other locations you set up. Advanced stock management.
• Do you track customer license keys? License Key Manager will allow
you to allocate keys (such as AV software, Office etc) to customers,
remind customers when they are due for renewal. if you keep license keys
in bulk, then this can be added to inventory and tracked.
• Track your Appointments and Events. Appointments can be added/edited directly from the repair ticket.
• Google Calendar sync of appintments.
• Allocate call-outs to technicians / staff
• Appointment types can be Call Outs, In-Store appontments, Telephone Calls etc.
• Syncs to yours (and your technicians) smartphone and ***** calendar s if they are out on the road, they get instant updates.
***** Synchronisation
• Keep up to date with your appointments while on the road.
• CRS calendar sync with google Calendar.
• Create, Edit, Delete appointments directly from CRS and this is
sent to your technicians smartphone showing them the customer's address,
phone number and ticket information etc.
• No paperwork required which is perfect if the appointment is made for you while you are out on the the road.
Ticket and Customer Attachments
• Add documents, images, insurance reports etc to any ticket. Gets
saved directly to the database which means attachments can be viewed
from any computer.
• Attachments can also be attached to Customers so this information can be opened from any ticket for that customer.
Internal Staff Messaging
• Send Messages Internally between staff. When they log in, a notification will display indication unread messages.
• Admin users can SEND TO ALL users.
• Perfect for meeting reminders, customer questions and job related questions.
• If an email address is included, you can optionally send to technicians email address directly from CRS.
Built-in Customer Communications - All communications are saved to
the ticket history so you know what was said, by whom and when.
Communicate directly to your customer via SMS or Email.
• Email - Email your customers directly from CRS. Email template
displays your company details, opening hours, phone number etc with your
own message. Email status updates, messages, invoices, quotes and
service report directly to your customers.
• SMS - SMS is fully integrated and allows you to keep your customer informed of the repair process.
Stats and Reports
• Homepage graphs shows New Tickets, Completed Tickets, Call outs
etc. Switch displays for Today, yesterday, this week, last week, this
month and last month.
• Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month,
This Year, Last Year stats and reports and custom start and end dates.
• Daily stats by email / SMS (coming soon) directly to you (ideal if
you employ staff and you are not around so you can keep up to date with
what's been checked-in or completed).
• Advanced Reports - customers reports (such as who are your best
paying customers - make sure you re-market to your best customers!),
tickets reports, financial reports, and more.
Multi-User and Multi-Shop
• More than one shop? No problem. CRS is multi-shop compatible.
• CRS works for as many users you need.
• No limits of number of computers you install CRS onto.
• Software works on any Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 computer.
• CRS uses Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Express Edition for easy
deployment of additional terminals. Database can be located on your
premises or in the cloud.
• Cloud databases also available directly from us giving you access to CRS from anywhere in the world.
Livedrive Online Backup Integration
• If you are a livedrive reseller you can set up livedrive accounts directly from the software.
API Integration
• Kashflow integrated with parts ordering - no need to manually input your purchases into your accounting software
• Livedrive Integrated
• Google Calendar Integrated
• More APIs coming soon (have a suggestion, let us know).
System Requirements: - CRS runs on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- .Net Framework 4.5 Required
- SQL Server 2012 Express Required
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